Did the 2018 Aztec Identity Task Force (AITF) call for the Aztec Warrior to be fazed out?
No, this is a lie that has recently been spread. In fact, President de la Torre said, “I fully support the final decision and statement made by President Roush and look forward to working closely with on and off campus communities regarding the respectful treatment and historic accuracy of the Aztec identity and Aztec Warrior.”
Did President de la Torre conduct outreach to stakeholders before she eliminated the Aztec Warrior?
No. President de la Torre acted unilaterally without the input of the alumni or SDSU stakeholders. This goes against a multi-decade process that include input from faculty, staff, students, alumni and community to work toward an inclusive process that preserved the Aztec Warrior and educate the public about the Aztec culture.
How Can I Help Save the Aztec Warrior?
There are some basic steps you can take to force President de la Torre to reverse her actions:
Join our coalition and allow your name to be heard. Follow the links on top of the page.
Send a letter to President de la Torre. Follow the link on top of the page to send a letter.
Share this website with friends and SDSU supporters.
Consider contacting SDSU and letting them know you will be reducing your financial support.
Consider removing SDSU from your trust until they restore the Aztec Warrior.
Contact the media or submit a letter to the editor in the U-T, Daily Aztec or local publication
he input of the alumni or SDSU stakeholders.
This goes against a multi-decade process that include input from faculty, staff, students, alumni and community to work toward an inclusive process that preserved the Aztec Warrior and educate the public about the Aztec culture.
Yes, they eliminated the Aztec Warrior, but we keep the Aztec name. Why should I care?
With the unilateral decision to eliminate the Aztec Warrior without input from alumni, students, faculty, staff or community there is no trust that President de la Torre will not make the same type of decision to eliminate the Aztec moniker as well. The Senate Resolution that she has supported also called for eliminating the Aztec moniker and adopting the Kumeyaay name for either sheep or quail. Unfortunately, President de la Torre has proven to be untrustworthy as she went against her previous statements in support of the Aztec Identity Task Forces’ decision to keep the Aztec Warrior and Moniker.